Monday, November 21, 2011


I started @ ______ Sunday. I like it a lot... I hope I get to stay there year round. I wonder if I all ready wrote about it.

I've been so tired and have hardly gotten off of my damn futon when I'm not @ school or my new job yippee. I really need to finish this semester with seriousness. I'm just so fucking sick of getting up + shit and going to school. I am really fucking depressed. I really really really want my adderall back.

The Horror
ANYWAYS let's write about school. Today in Bd's we did our ridiculous(his ridiculous) analysis of our current novel, which is right now Lord Jim. That book is killing me. Maybe I would like Heart of Darkness better, since Apocalypse Now is one of my favorite movies ev-skis. I think that deserves a picture I will steal off of google.
<----- There we go. I got it off of someone's page on "word press"- hmm maybe I'll change from blogger to word press, sorry bitches! 

OK back to class! For Bd's I have to re-write my fucking stupid "Spoils of Poynton" essay. Literally it's like an entirely different concept! He's never satisified. I feel like english professors never are, it's their way or the highway. Or maybe I just suck at writing essays. The latter may be painstakingly true. 

In S's class we watched Alien, and good God she is obsessed with analyzing everything into her favorite weird universal theme that has to do with fear of the eastern and western world, and private governments, and femininity being destroyed and infantilism(i think she made this word up) and all this other shit that's fascinating at times, but after she turned off Alien and tried to get us to apply it to her agenda, I jus looked at her like a frigging moron. 

For Be's we continued the black history stuff, read the middle passage and talked about how there are many different voices that seem to be telling the story, and the irony is that not one of the slaves(of whom the whole poem is about) is contributing to it. I's a way for the author to show there is no way that black people have much to go by for their history since they didn't have a voice. or whatever.
-my computer's in an annoying position and I guess it's making me agitated as fuck. Talk to you later diary sir

Thursday, November 17, 2011


It's 4:30 and all ready dark out. Yeah it's awful.

Read Lord Jim--
Finished Field Observation Write up, yay

Tried to get in touch w/ my fuckin english adviser to see if I could get into his class which he told me I could if I emailed him. Better be able to. Infobear crashed on my comp. last night, and I wasn't able to get the schedule I wanted. It really blows, I hope it gets straightened out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

getting old much?

I've aged significantly, for many reasons, if you know my history. By the way, me and the fella in the picture are no longer speaking... I'm not sure why. It's another one of those strange things.

End of field observation--thank God!

Well, @ least the end of the physical field observation, not the write-up, but I've done a lot of that. Now I just have to do the bullshit part of it =)

Well I was "observing," I was trying to find examples of literary elements in the "cask of amontillado" for the same class. Here's what I got so I don't forget:

 -Students are to have 4 examples of each:
  • Vaults, Dusk, Carnival, Narrator's Home(-false confidence of Fortunatos?).
  • Vaults: Quite literally, entrapment- the narrator traps Fort. in the vaults,
  • catacombs- death, etc
  • The "pipe" of liquor, also considered the cask, who contains the alcohol.The wall that Fort. is trapped in is like the cask, because the walls contain him in them.
  • Mask- At one point the narrator puts on a mask, symbolizing his false friendly personality that he uses around Fort. before he kills him

----Point of View
  • First Person Narrator
  •  Narrator transforms into a psychopath
  • Vengeful
  • Ego is very important to him-or else why would he have to murder the man who insulted him?
 ---- Characterization
  • Fortunato's conceited ego is important in showing why the narrator despises him
  • The narrator seems so normal, yet is such a sociopath
  • Fortunado is naiive in going to the vaults w/ the narrator as if he forgot the narrator should hold some sort of grudge against him
  • Fortunade turns from a confident to horrified, pitfully sad state when he realizes he will soon die.
---- Themes:
  • Punishment
  • Revenge
  • Insanity
  • The folly of Pride
  • Possible jealousy
Oh god I am sick of this shit. now to word process this bullshit....
It's 9:15... I have to read a long poem for English Lit, Lord Jim, do a peer review and try to do more of this bs. I probably won't. hah.

I got the job @ Barnes and Noble! We had an orientation today. It was pretty cool-- I hope to have a regular job, as in this one isn't just seasonal.

Today would be my Dad's birthday. I love you. Watched the very very very sad Lion King video on youtube last night when Simba looks at the stars with his dad. I hadn't remembered the movie in forever, but on my drive home from school last night, I saw this star, and it reminded me of my dad and I couldn't look away. It reminded me of something, I guess  that movie. Sat and watched it and cried for an hour.


Monday, November 14, 2011

New blog for school yippee

I'm gonna try this brand new thing where I blog about as much material that I remembered, or the most significant shit I can remember, from my classes that particular day the entry falls on.

--So today I planned on going to bed early, since I must observe a high school for my crazy disastrous "field observation" project tomorrow morning, and then possibly @ 3 an orientation @ _______? I applied there, and I called Friday to follow up on my interview, and the guy I was told to ask for said I was scheduled for "orientation" at 3. Weird shit. OK I've all ready failed. This isn't about school too much. It will be. mostly