Tuesday, November 15, 2011

End of field observation--thank God!

Well, @ least the end of the physical field observation, not the write-up, but I've done a lot of that. Now I just have to do the bullshit part of it =)

Well I was "observing," I was trying to find examples of literary elements in the "cask of amontillado" for the same class. Here's what I got so I don't forget:

 -Students are to have 4 examples of each:
  • Vaults, Dusk, Carnival, Narrator's Home(-false confidence of Fortunatos?).
  • Vaults: Quite literally, entrapment- the narrator traps Fort. in the vaults,
  • catacombs- death, etc
  • The "pipe" of liquor, also considered the cask, who contains the alcohol.The wall that Fort. is trapped in is like the cask, because the walls contain him in them.
  • Mask- At one point the narrator puts on a mask, symbolizing his false friendly personality that he uses around Fort. before he kills him

----Point of View
  • First Person Narrator
  •  Narrator transforms into a psychopath
  • Vengeful
  • Ego is very important to him-or else why would he have to murder the man who insulted him?
 ---- Characterization
  • Fortunato's conceited ego is important in showing why the narrator despises him
  • The narrator seems so normal, yet is such a sociopath
  • Fortunado is naiive in going to the vaults w/ the narrator as if he forgot the narrator should hold some sort of grudge against him
  • Fortunade turns from a confident to horrified, pitfully sad state when he realizes he will soon die.
---- Themes:
  • Punishment
  • Revenge
  • Insanity
  • The folly of Pride
  • Possible jealousy
Oh god I am sick of this shit. now to word process this bullshit....
It's 9:15... I have to read a long poem for English Lit, Lord Jim, do a peer review and try to do more of this bs. I probably won't. hah.

I got the job @ Barnes and Noble! We had an orientation today. It was pretty cool-- I hope to have a regular job, as in this one isn't just seasonal.

Today would be my Dad's birthday. I love you. Watched the very very very sad Lion King video on youtube last night when Simba looks at the stars with his dad. I hadn't remembered the movie in forever, but on my drive home from school last night, I saw this star, and it reminded me of my dad and I couldn't look away. It reminded me of something, I guess  that movie. Sat and watched it and cried for an hour.


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