Monday, December 12, 2011

well thank god for Kl-ahh-nopin.

Damn right. I feel much much better after taking... well at first 3, but in about ten minutes I took two more. I feel great now--mind state has altered fantastically just as it should.

Much much much to fucking do; classes officially end Wednesday- that's in 2 days, yahoo!!
I'm trying to like, get a hold of myself when it comes to school work and shit. I hope this semester will serve as a wake-up call to me--that I need to step up my game next semester.

There's so many things I want to do though over break that it's hard not to get caught up in thinking about them. Such as:

  1. Reading shit I want to read: "The Things they carried" (in paper-backform, I've all ready listened to it), and obviously tons of other shit, hopefully Nathaniel Hawthorne! I should have a kindle over break(YAY XMAS PRESENT FROM MOMMY!), so I'm sure I will get a lot of some kind of reading done.
  2. English MTEL book! This thing is the shit. Study it, also plan on taking test.
  3. Blogging--> First of all, come up with topics and practice and shit for my new JOB at school! and then, learn more about blogging in general. even like not just youtube videos, possibly library books or something...
  4. write more (short story, etc.)
  5. Come up w/ more studying skills. There's like, technology and shit for that you know... 
  6. Get to cuse hopefully at some point. I'm pretty sure I can make this happen. There's definitely more I just don't really know @ the top of the head right this second.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New fucking news

I just got the best mother-fucking email ever------> I've been accepted as one of the two new bloggers for the  school's blog! I mean yeah it's not like nationally renowned or anything but I don't care, I am SO happy about it. My life is a joke at times, it's the only way I can look at it without becoming too depressed, if I just tell myself hey, shit's not a big deal! people don't really give a shit, whatever. But knowing I got this job-although it might seem minor to some- means I can fucking feel good about something. I can't explain it. I mean I got Leif here once again, laying on my fucking futon, I'm quite sure he uses me for my futon and for rides. I could cry all the time about the joke that is my social life, the non-existence. Yes my lamenting is ridiculous, and I could go on forever. But I have something I can seriously be proud of now. I am really really fucking happy.

By the way, this kid at work if so fucking cute. He even made a point to strike up conversation with me today when we were wrapping up the store tonight.  He's just got the best smile and seems so nice. I just think he's so fucking adorable. Anyways. whatever. life is life. tried to get weed tonight. if leif uses me for my house+ for rides and stupid fucking shit, I can use him for weed... if i can.  Tonight I couldn't,  he didn't find shit. Whatever. I don't fucking care. I can't wait to work for the blog. Love always, MOI