Saturday, December 10, 2011

New fucking news

I just got the best mother-fucking email ever------> I've been accepted as one of the two new bloggers for the  school's blog! I mean yeah it's not like nationally renowned or anything but I don't care, I am SO happy about it. My life is a joke at times, it's the only way I can look at it without becoming too depressed, if I just tell myself hey, shit's not a big deal! people don't really give a shit, whatever. But knowing I got this job-although it might seem minor to some- means I can fucking feel good about something. I can't explain it. I mean I got Leif here once again, laying on my fucking futon, I'm quite sure he uses me for my futon and for rides. I could cry all the time about the joke that is my social life, the non-existence. Yes my lamenting is ridiculous, and I could go on forever. But I have something I can seriously be proud of now. I am really really fucking happy.

By the way, this kid at work if so fucking cute. He even made a point to strike up conversation with me today when we were wrapping up the store tonight.  He's just got the best smile and seems so nice. I just think he's so fucking adorable. Anyways. whatever. life is life. tried to get weed tonight. if leif uses me for my house+ for rides and stupid fucking shit, I can use him for weed... if i can.  Tonight I couldn't,  he didn't find shit. Whatever. I don't fucking care. I can't wait to work for the blog. Love always, MOI

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